Welcome to Energy Currents!

Welcome to Energy Currents, a new educational tool from Enerdynamics! The goal of our blog is two-fold. First, we hope to offer a forum where you can continue learning about trends and topics of importance in the natural gas and electric industries. For many of you, this education may have begun when you attended one of our seminars, viewed one of our online courses, or read one of our books. But whether you have had prior experience with Enerdynamics’ training products or not, Energy Currents is designed to keep you apprised of interesting and significant events in the gas and electric industries and to offer some perspective as to why they are important and how they will impact the various market participants. If you are following us on Facebook and/or Twitter, we encourage you to also check in with Energy Currents as it will provide more in-depth information on some of the same topics you’ve been following.

Our second goal is to offer you the opportunity to join the discussion. We hope to post blog entries at least weekly, but then it’s up to you. If you’d like to comment on what we’ve posted, even if it’s to offer an opinion that is contradictory to ours, the floor is yours. And if you have topics you’d like us to cover, you simply need to ask. Of course, comments will be edited for appropriateness prior to posting. But this is your forum as well, so we welcome all appropriate questions and comments. Thanks for joining us. Please tell your friends and colleagues. And by all means participate in our forum!

About Enerdynamics

Enerdynamics was formed in 1995 to meet the growing demand for timely, dynamic and effective business training in the gas and electric industries. Our comprehensive education programs are focused on teaching you and your employees the business of energy. And because we have a firm grasp of what's happening in our industry on both a national and international scale, we can help you make sense of a world that often makes no sense at all.
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